I am so excited to be able to capture these family photos for the Reynolds family! Milea and Adam have been married for seven years and still seem to be very much in love. You can tell just by the way they look at each other in those few moments between poses – I love looking for those behind the scene moments!
Calla was such a sweetheart during our session! She wore a genuine smile all evening, especially when playing with Mom or little brother, Judah. Her smile melts my heart!
In true two-year-old fashion, Lana kept on the move all evening. Luckily, that makes for some pretty awesome photos and fantastic smiles!
And little Judah was a trooper! I didn’t hear one fuss out of him all evening – though he didn’t seem to love it when his sisters smothered him with kisses. Then again, most brother’s don’t!
Thank you so much, Milea and Adam, for the opportunity to capture these family photos for you!