I love these family photos! Not only are the Hicks good friends of ours, but their children are absolutely adorable! Their little girl has such a pretty little model face – her daddy is going to be scaring boys away for the sure! And little man is everything a little boy should be – dirt, mud puddles, dinosaurs, and a big ball of energy!
I love being able to capture the fleeting moments in these kids’ lives and document their growth every year. We usually schedule their family photo session around their birthdays so we can include birthday photos, as well. Which works out perfectly with the weather to allow for a hike through their property where the kids can run free. This is always when I capture my favorite images from the evening!
The kids had a blast trying to splash me by throwing rocks in the mud puddles. We also picked flowers, which led to some absolutely gorgeous images of little miss. And both kiddos were excellent dinosaurs for the shots in their birthday t-shirts!
I love chasing the kids around and watching them just be kids. The action and authentic expressions are so worth getting splashed with mud puddles!
I hope that you enjoy these lifestyle family photos of the Hicks family as much as I do.