Maybe I’m just partial to cowboy hats and boots – but I think these family photos are absolutely perfect!
I love to shoot rich, vibrant colors. Ashley coordinated her family’s outfits just perfectly to fit both her style and mine! And of course, the boots and hats just finished off the look!
These kiddos were so well behaved during their family photo session. They seriously get along so well, they were teasing and giggling together all evening!
I was also super excited for these family photos because I got to shoot in a new location! The timing was perfect to venture to this freshly cut hay field on our farm in Punxsutawney and get some great backlit shots.
As the sun started to go down, we headed back up the hill for some cozy shots in front of the sunset. And, of course, little dude had to take the chance to climb a hay bale before we were done!